Home Education Support Comes in Many Shapes and Sizes:


As with any area of our lives, home education will have it’s ups and downs. Luckily there is a community of folks out there to help during the challenges and provide emotional support.

If you are a new home educator and/or just someone in need of a solution to a current challenge, support from other home educators in the community can provide you with practical solutions to challenges such as: recordkeeping, scheduling, lesson planning, ideas to spark new life, new approaches to old habits as well as many more.

If you are considering a new curriculum or learning approach, chances are someone has tried it or is currently using it. Getting support from others when considering or beginning a new curriculum can be very helpful indeed!

Kingdom Colors Home Education Community is a non-profit 501(c)(3) fully inclusive organization, welcoming home educators of all races and ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, and abilities.

Harassment or bullying will not be tolerated by Kingdom Colors Home Education Community. The Kingdom Colors Board of Directors is committed to providing a safe and civil environment in which all members of our community, including adults, teens, and children. All are welcomed with dignity and respect.

Kingdom Colors aims to make a tangible impact on the next generation.  Our goal is to empower families with experiences and resources that allow them to be successful home educators.



Mission Statement

The vision of Kingdom Colors Home Education Community is to help families build strong foundations in the home education arena by:

1. giving support to families
2. being a resource for information
3. to give members a forum to share ideas and information with each other.

Vision Statement

Kingdom Colors Home Education Community is a nonprofit organization that:

* Respects the diversity of home educators

* Supports the entire spectrum of home education

* Provides home education information

* Monitors and influences legislation

* Offers opportunities for families to get together

* Provides networking and support for homeschoolers

* Empowers families to make choices that respect the rights, needs, and aspirations of their children


Statement of Inclusion and Diversity

Kingdom Colors is strongly opposed ANY oppression or marginalization of people on the basis of their gender expression, sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, ability, age, or religious belief. In our Mission Statement, we state that Kingdom Colors “respects the diversity of homeschoolers” and also “empowers families to make choices that respect the rights, needs, and aspirations of their children.”

* K.C. values ideas that may look unique or different yet would enhance the whole of the community. 

* K.C. has a strict policy prohibiting the use of hate speech, harassment, or any other form of bullying at K.C. events or activities, and all allegations will be reviewed and taken seriously.

* K.C. does not endorse or support any positions or organizations that oppress or denigrate any marginalized group.

* K.C. does not necessarily agree, implicitly or explicitly, with the views expressed by any of its speakers (past, present, or future). However, we do take very seriously any actions or speech that would be considered any form of discrimination.

* In order to ensure the safety and comfort of all families within our organization, we are currently arranging workshops and gathering speakers on a diverse set of topics and interests.

Kingdom Colors Home Education Community is committed to fostering a welcoming atmosphere that is inclusive of all of our families. We aspire to cultivate a number of initiatives, including, but not limited to: developing volunteers, speakers and writers, event participants, and a membership that reflects the wide diversity of North Carolina home educators; organizational evaluation; ally training; and transparency.